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NB Distillery Blog

Low Alcohol Gin-Based Spirit Perfect For Drinking On A School Night

Low Alcohol Gin-Based Spirit Perfect For Drinking On A School Night

A bit like us, you might like to treat yourself mid-week to help motivate you until the weekend. A lot of people relax during the week by getting a...
5 Fruity Summer Rum Cocktails For People That Don't Like Rum

5 Fruity Summer Rum Cocktails For People That Don't Like Rum

Summer is in full swing and it’s time to get out your gazebo and invite your friends round for a garden party. The hot weather is the perfect excus...
We Are Reopening Our Gin Distillery Tour

We Are Reopening Our Gin Distillery Tour

There is excitement in the air at NB Distillery as we can officially confirm that we are reopening our gin distillery tour. In line with government...
Gin Gift Sets To Take To A BBQ Out Of Lockdown

Gin Gift Sets To Take To A BBQ Out Of Lockdown

Lockdown has now lifted and it’s time to catch up with family and friends. The weather might have been a wash-out for May, but June looks set to be...
NB Samphire Gin

NB Samphire Gin

NB Distillery Samphire Gin Delivered directly from our distillery and now available in restricted numbers, our Limited-Edition NB Samphire has been...
NB Gin Distillery Tours

Gin Distillery Tours

  A Guide to Gin Distillery Tours With the fastest growing spirit in terms of popularity, the demand for gin distillery tours, tasting experiences ...